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Ching Tang: The science of organic light-emitting diodes – Kyoto Prize at Oxford 2021
Kyoto prize at Oxford – Ching Tang preview
2021 Kyoto Prize Symposium - "Organic Light Emitting Diode - A Review" by Prof. Ching W. Tang
Ching W. Tang - 2019 Kyoto Laureate in Advanced Technology - Lecture and Conversation
Interview with Ching W. Tang - The 2019 Kyoto Prize Laureate in Advanced Technology.
Mimotype | Bio-sourced and inspired organic light emitting (OLED) materials
Challenges in Organic Photo-Voltaics and Light-Emitting Diodes
Jang-Joo Kim Lect 2. Physics of Organic Light Emitting Diodes
【Kyoto Prize Commemorative Lecture】Robert G. Roeder “Regulation of Transcription in Animal Cells”
OLED 발명자 인터뷰 | OLED X Dr. Ching W. Tang
Light emission in Organic and Hybrid Materials by Sascha Feldmann
Technologocal Leap Caused by Work Function【Photoemission Yield Spectroscopy in Air】